Skip Skip Ben Benは台湾出身の女の子、Ben Benによるソロプロジェクト。いくつかのバンドをへて2011年よりSkip Skip Ben Benとして活動を始める。
本作『SacrifeMountainHills』は2012年夏の6日間という短い期間で制作され、中国の有名な ポストパンクバンド P.K.14楽隊のリーダー楊海崧のプロデュースにより、中国最大のインディーズレーベルである兵馬司(Mabye mars)からリリースされた。このアルバムはMy Bloody ValentineのKevin Shieldsに認められ、MBV台湾公演のオープニングアクトに抜擢された。
また、ライブの評価も高く、トクマルシューゴ、ERIC CHENAUX、The Paints of being pure at heart など各国アーティストとの共演を果たしている。2013年10月に上海で開催された『The first Asian Shoegaze Festival』に参加。アジア各国から代表シューゲイザーバンド7組が集結し、台湾のシューゲイザーバンド代表としてアジア全域のシューゲイズシーンでも多くの注目を集めた。
2014年7月、イタリアのシチリア島のカターニアで行われているZANNEフェスにおいて、BLONDE REDHEAD (USA)、BLACK REBEL MOTORCYCLE CLUB (USA)、TOY (UK)、DIRTY BEACHES (CAN)、DARK HORSES (UK)、CLINIC (UK)、CALEXICO (USA)等と共演をし、アジアのみならず世界でも要注目のバンドとして今後の活躍が期待される。



Skip Skip Ben Ben was originally the name Benben's early solo work in Taipei. Under that name, she released several works, the standout being 2010's 《No-Fi, No Fiction》. This record has been described as 'Ben Ben is very much in her own head, which seems like a pretty gauzy place to be, full of meandering, Beatlesque vocal loops and shimmery guitars, all that good stuff. Atmospheric to the point where you feel she is recording this in a cafe with an open mic but she's not actually on the stage, just incorporating the ambience into her own headspace'.
Later on, still In Taipei, I played in the band BOYZ&GIRL , a real amps-at-11 shoegaze quartet resonant with the contemporary Mainland underground soundscape. The self-titled debut album was released on the Beijing label Maybe Mars.
In July 2010 they played a memorable show at D-22 with Birdstriking, Hot & Cold, and Carsick Cars that had sewn the seed for Ben Ben's eventual semi-move to Beijing and draw the blueprint for her future musical projects. In late 2010 Ben Ben relocated to Beijing and joined Carsick Cars, which had just undergone a membership shakeup after original drummer and bassist Li Qing and Li Weisi left to focus more diligently on their bands, Snapline and Soviet Pop and their label, Rose Mansion. Birdstriking guitarist He Fan took over bass duties and Ben Ben jumped on the drums for a short but significant stint, laying down beats and backup vocals for a two-song Carsick Cars EP (to date their only release since 2009's You Can Listen, You Can Talk) and joining the band at the 2011 SXSW. That phase didn't last too long. Pretty much immediately after SXSW, Ben Ben went back to Taiwan to try to reboot old projects and write new material. By September 2011 she'd moved back to Beijing and re-assembled Skip Skip Ben Ben as a full band, with Birdstriking's Zhou Nairen on bass and Sun Heting — Ben Ben's replacement in Carsick Cars — on drums. Lots of band incest going on there. Between conflicting commitments and Ben Ben's perennial pilgrimages back to Taiwan, the current incarnation of Skip Skip Ben Ben has taken a while to germinate. But last winter they managed to get into the studio with Yang Haisong, where they laid down a nine-song LP in a matter of days. That album, 《Sacrifice Mountain Hills》, covertly dropped at the tail end of 2012, but it hasn't seen a lot of press in Beijing until now. Partially because Ben Ben went back to Taiwan again at the beginning of 2013, where she assembled an alternate version of Skip Skip Ben Ben to promote the album and honour My Bloody Valentine's special request to open their Taipei concert on February 14th 2013.
Benben return back her hometown Taipei ,Taiwan and started her new album recording , in 2014 the Sacrifice Mountain Hills japan version release at Tower Record Japan with label Hands and Moment .