· By Hands and Moment Staff

RELEASE Dec. 2016

Burglary Years '100 Roses' CD will be released on December 7th.

Indie rock is a fickle concept nowadays. The punk-rooted ethos and umbrella of melancholy sound is something constantly in question with listeners today. This is where Burglary Years (Boston, MA) comes in to play as a vital means to the genre. Pairing dreamy waves of melody with thunderous percussion and intimate lyrics, they aim to enter every facet of your experience. Their intense live performance compliments the music’s captivating energy while showcasing their hardcore punk backgrounds. 100 Roses is all the times you sold yourself in too many ways, 100 Roses is the feeling you get right before you meet the love of your life and the feeling you get right when they let you go." - Greg Cook, vocalist. With a sophomore record in the works and summer tour dates lining up, you might actually need to learn how to pronounce Burglary Years without slurring it together.

Burglary Years(バーグラリー・イヤーズ)はマサチューセッツ州ボストン出身のGreg Cook(vocals)、Cooper Leardi(guitar)、Mike Rocheford(bass)、Patrick Talesfore Jr. (drums)からなる4人編成のインディー・ロック・バンド。 本作『100 Roses』(ワン・ハンドレッド・ローゼス)はエピタフレコードのツアーサウンドエンジニアとしても活躍していた若手のプロデューサー/エンジニアであるZach Weeksを迎えてレコーディングされ、エッジの効いたインディー・ロック・サウンドに仕上がっている。

Burglary Years